Source code for Gaussino.Configuration

# (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and FCC Collaborations  #
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# This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License          #
# version 2 (Apache-2.0), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".              #
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# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
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__author__ = "Dominik Muller, Michal Mazurek, and Gloria Corti"
__email__ = ""

import time
from Gaudi.Configuration import (

# Configurables (do NOT use 'from Configurables' here)
from Gaussino.Utilities import GaussinoConfigurable
from Gaussino.Generation import GaussinoGeneration
from Gaussino.Simulation import GaussinoSimulation
from Gaussino.Geometry import GaussinoGeometry

[docs]class Gaussino(GaussinoConfigurable): """ Main Configurable of Gaussino. It is dedicated to the confiuration of general properties. Please, visit other configurables for more options: - :class:`GaussinoGeneration <Gaussino.Generation.GaussinoGeneration>` (configuration of the generation phase) - :class:`GaussinoSimulation <Gaussino.Simulation.GaussinoSimulation>` (configuration of the simulation phase) - :class:`GaussinoGeometry <Gaussino.Geometry.GaussinoGeometry>` (configuration of the geometry) **Main** :var EvtMax: default: ``-1``, no. of event to produce, must be > 0 :vartype EvtMax: int, required :var Phases: default: ``["Generator","Simulation"]``, possible only: ``["Generator", "Simulation"]`` or ``["Generation"]`` :vartype Phases: list, optional :var FirstEventNumber: default: ``1`` :vartype FirstEventNumber: int, optional :var RunNumber: default: ``1`` :vartype RunNumber: int, optional **Output** :var Histograms: default: ``"DEFAULT"`` :vartype Histograms: str, optional :var DatasetName: default: ``"Gaussino"`` :vartype DatasetName: str, optional :var DatasetNameForced: default: ``False`` :vartype DatasetNameForced: bool, optional :var OutputType: default: ``'SIM'`` :vartype OutputType: str, optional **Multi-threading** :var EnableHive: default: ``True``, must be always set (for now) :vartype EnableHive: bool, optional :var ThreadPoolSize: default: ``1`` :vartype ThreadPoolSize: int, optional :var EventSlots: default: ``1`` :vartype EventSlots: int, optional :var TimingSkipAtStart: default: ``1`` :vartype TimingSkipAtStart: int, optional **Other** :var Debug: default: ``False``, increase verbosity for the whole application :vartype Debug: bool, optional :var ReDecay: default: ``False`` :vartype ReDecay: bool, optional :var ConvertEDM: default: ``False`` :vartype ConvertEDM: bool, optional :var ParticleTable: default: ``'$GAUSSINOROOT/data/ParticleTable.txt'`` :vartype ParticleTable: str, optional """ __used_configurables__ = [ GaussinoGeneration, GaussinoSimulation, GaussinoGeometry, ] __slots__ = { # MAIN "EvtMax": -1, "Phases": ["Generator", "Simulation"], "FirstEventNumber": 1, "RunNumber": 1, # OUTPUT "Histograms": "DEFAULT", "DatasetName": "Gaussino", "DatasetNameForced": False, "OutputType": "SIM", # Multi-threading "EnableHive": True, "ThreadPoolSize": 1, "EventSlots": 1, "TimingSkipAtStart": 1, # OTHER "Debug": False, "ReDecay": False, "ConvertEDM": False, "ParticleTable": "$GAUSSINOROOT/data/ParticleTable.txt", # FIXME: Spillover not supported yet # "SpilloverPaths": [], # FIXME: FSR not supported yet # "WriteFSR": True, # "MergeGenFSR": False, }
[docs] def __apply_configuration__(self): """Main configuration method for Gaussino. It is called as the first one, and then propagates the properties to: - :class:`GaussinoGeneration <Gaussino.Generation.GaussinoGeneration>`, - :class:`GaussinoSimulation <Gaussino.Simulation.GaussinoSimulation>`, - :class:`GaussinoGeometry <Gaussino.Geometry.GaussinoGeometry>`. """ self._set_debug_mode() self._check_options_compatibility() # MT options self._setup_hive() self._setup_geant4MT() # Seed self._configure_rnd_init() # Services self._set_particle_property_service() self._set_data_service() self._set_auditor_service() self._set_redecay_service() self._set_histogram_service() # Phases self._configure_generation_phase() self._configure_simulation_phase() # EDM conversion self._configure_edm_conversion() from Configurables import ApplicationMgr ApplicationMgr().EvtMax = self.getProp("EvtMax") ApplicationMgr().EvtSel = "NONE" # ensure the configurables are called for conf in self.__used_configurables__: conf()
[docs] def _set_debug_mode(self): """Sets up the debug mode in python logger and all the configurables. """ if self.getProp("Debug"): log.setLevel("DEBUG") def debug_all_configurables(): from GaudiKernel.Configurable import Configurable from Gaudi.Configuration import DEBUG for conf in Configurable.allConfigurables.values(): try: conf.OutputLevel = DEBUG except AttributeError: pass appendPostConfigAction(debug_all_configurables)
[docs] def _check_options_compatibility(self): """Checks the general compatibility of the properties. Raises: ValueError: if ``EvtMax`` is not provided """ if self.getProp("EvtMax") <= 0: msg = "EvtMax must be > 0" log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def _setup_hive(self): """Enables Hive event loop manager. this is a very similar method as in LHCbApp Raises: ValueError: if ``EnableHive`` is disabled """ if not self.getProp("EnableHive"): # FIXME: Running without GaudiHive has not been tested # and may lead to unexpected behaviour # this is disabled for now log.error( "EnableHive must be set. Running without " "GaudiHive has not been tested and may lead to" "unexpected behaviour" ) raise ValueError("EnableHive must be set.") from Configurables import ( HiveWhiteBoard, ApplicationMgr, HiveSlimEventLoopMgr, AvalancheSchedulerSvc, GenRndInit, ) whiteboard = HiveWhiteBoard("EventDataSvc") whiteboard.EventSlots = self.getProp("EventSlots") ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc.insert(0, whiteboard) scheduler = AvalancheSchedulerSvc() eventloopmgr = HiveSlimEventLoopMgr(SchedulerName=scheduler) # initialize hive settings if not already set self.propagateProperty("ThreadPoolSize", eventloopmgr) scheduler.ThreadPoolSize = self.getProp("ThreadPoolSize") ApplicationMgr().EventLoop = eventloopmgr # propagate the barrier to GenRndInit GenRndInit().TimingSkipAtStart = self.getProp("TimingSkipAtStart")
[docs] def _configure_rnd_init(self): """Creates the algorithm responsible for the seed generation. It is either ``GenRndInit`` or ``GenReDecayInit`` """ from Configurables import ( ApplicationMgr, GenRndInit, GenReDecayInit, SeedingTool, ) conf = GenRndInit if self.getProp("ReDecay"): conf = GenReDecayInit if conf().isPropertySet("RunNumber"): # disable direct setting of the GenRndInit().RunNumber # -> the reason is that it is also needed by the ODIN generator in Gauss msg = "'RunNumber' must be set internally via GaussinoGeneration()!" log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) conf( RunNumber=self.getProp("RunNumber"), FirstEventNumber=self.getProp("FirstEventNumber"), ) conf().addTool(SeedingTool, name="SeedingTool") ApplicationMgr().TopAlg.append(conf())
[docs] def _setup_geant4MT(self): """Sets up the Geant4 multi-threading options. """ from Configurables import GiGaMT GiGaMT().NumberOfWorkerThreads = self.getProp("ThreadPoolSize")
[docs] def _set_particle_property_service(self): """Sets up the particle property service. .. todo :: LHCb project dependency! """ from Configurables import ( ApplicationMgr, LHCb__ParticlePropertySvc, ) log.debug("Configuring ParticlePropertySvc") ppservice = LHCb__ParticlePropertySvc() ppservice.ParticlePropertiesFile = self.getProp("ParticleTable") ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [ppservice]
[docs] def _set_data_service(self): """Sets up the data service: ``EventDataSvc``. """ from Configurables import ApplicationMgr, EventDataSvc log.debug("Configuring EventDataSvc") datasvc = EventDataSvc("EventDataSvc") datasvc.ForceLeaves = True datasvc.RootCLID = 1 ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [datasvc]
[docs] def _set_auditor_service(self): """Sets up the auditor service: ``AuditorSvc``. """ from Configurables import ( ApplicationMgr, AuditorSvc, ) log.debug("Configuring AuditorSvc") ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["AuditorSvc"] ApplicationMgr().AuditAlgorithms = True AuditorSvc().Auditors += ["TimingAuditor"]
[docs] def _set_redecay_service(self): """Sets up a dedicated service when using ReDecay: ``ReDecaySvc``. """ if not self.getProp("ReDecay"): return from Configurables import ( ApplicationMgr, ReDecaySvc, ) log.debug("Configuring ReDecaySvc") redecaysvc = ReDecaySvc() redecaysvc.EvtMax = self.getProp("EvtMax") ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [redecaysvc]
[docs] def _set_histogram_service(self): """Sets up the service responsible for producing histograms. Raises: ValueError: when unknown option in the list of ``Historgrams`` """ from Configurables import ( RootHistCnv__PersSvc, ApplicationMgr, HistogramPersistencySvc, ) log.debug("Configuring HistogramPersistencySvc") ApplicationMgr().HistogramPersistency = "ROOT" RootHistCnv__PersSvc().ForceAlphaIds = True hist_opt = self.getProp("Histograms").upper() if hist_opt not in ["NONE", "DEFAULT"]: msg = f"Unknown Histograms option '{hist_opt}'." log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if hist_opt == "NONE": log.warning("No histograms will be produced") return # Use a default histogram file name if not already set hst_prs_svc = HistogramPersistencySvc() if not hst_prs_svc.isPropertySet("OutputFile"): histos_name = self._get_output_name() + "-histos.root" hst_prs_svc.OutputFile = histos_name
[docs] def _configure_edm_conversion(self): """Sets up EDM algorithms for Gaussino. """ if not self.getProp("ConvertEDM"): return log.debug("Configuring EDM conversion.") from Configurables import ApplicationMgr ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += self.edm_algorithms(self.getProp("ReDecay"))
[docs] @staticmethod def edm_algorithms(redecay=False): """Sets up a special algorithm responsible for linking ``MCParticles`` and ``MCVertices`` to ``MCHits`` via ``LinkedParticle``. It is either: - ``ReDecayMCTruthToEDM`` when in ReDeacay mode, - ``MCTruthToEDM`` otherwise. Args: redecay (bool, optional): Using Redecay or not. Defaults to False. Returns: list: list of needed EDM algorithms """ from Configurables import ( CheckMCStructure, MCTruthMonitor, ReDecayMCTruthToEDM, MCTruthToEDM, ) conv = MCTruthToEDM if redecay: conv = ReDecayMCTruthToEDM return [ conv(), CheckMCStructure(), MCTruthMonitor("MainMCTruthMonitor", HistoProduce=True), ]
[docs] def _configure_generation_phase(self): """Configures a subset of properties of the generation phase and propagates them to :class:`GaussinoGeneration <Gaussino.Generation.GaussinoGeneration>`. Raises: ValueError: if the ``Generator`` phase is not provided """ phases = self.getProp("Phases") if "Generator" not in phases: msg = "Must have the generator phase" log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if "Simulation" not in phases: GaussinoGeneration.only_generation_phase = True self.propagateProperty("EvtMax", GaussinoGeneration()) GaussinoGeneration.redecay = self.getProp("ReDecay") GaussinoGeneration.output_name = self._get_output_name() GaussinoGeneration.threads = self.getProp("ThreadPoolSize")
[docs] def _configure_simulation_phase(self): """Configures a subset of properties of the simulation phase and propagates them to :class:`GaussinoSimulation <Gaussino.Simulation.GaussinoSimulation>`. """ GaussinoSimulation.redecay = self.getProp("ReDecay") if "Simulation" not in self.getProp("Phases"): GaussinoSimulation.only_generation_phase = True GaussinoGeometry.only_generation_phase = True
[docs] def _get_output_name(self): """Build a name for the output file, based on input options. Combines DatasetName, EventType, Number of events and Date """ output_name = self.getProp("DatasetName") if self.getProp("DatasetNameForced"): return output_name if not output_name: output_name = "Gaussino" evt_type = GaussinoGeneration.eventType() if evt_type: output_name += "-" + evt_type if self.getProp("EvtMax") > 0: output_name += f"-{self.getProp('EvtMax')}ev" return f"{output_name}-{time.strftime('%Y%m%d')}"