Source code for Gaussino.Generation

# (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and FCC Collaborations  #
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# This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License          #
# version 2 (Apache-2.0), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".              #
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# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
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__author__ = "Dominik Muller, Michal Mazurek, and Gloria Corti"
__email__ = ""

from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits as units
from GaudiKernel.ConfigurableMeta import ConfigurableMeta
from Gaudi.Configuration import log

from Gaussino.Utilities import (

[docs]class GaussinoGeneration(GaussinoConfigurable): """Configurable for the Generation phase in Gaussino. **Main** :var WriteHepMC: default: ``False`` :vartype WriteHepMC: bool, optional **Generation modules** :var SampleGenerationTool: default: ``'SignalPlain'`` :vartype SampleGenerationTool: str, optional :var SampleGenerationToolOpts: default: ``{}`` :vartype SampleGenerationToolOpts: dict, optional :var PileUpTool: default: ``'FixedLuminosityWithSvc'`` :vartype PileUpTool: str, optional :var ProductionTool: default: ``'Pythia8ProductionMT'``, for Pythia8 there are 2 possibilities: ``'Pythia8Production'`` (shared) and ``'Pythia8ProductionMT'`` (thread-local) interface :vartype ProductionTool: str, optional :var ProductionToolOpts: default: ``{}`` :vartype ProductionToolOpts: dict, optional :var DecayTool: default: ``''`` :vartype DecayTool: str, optional :var CutTool: default: ``''`` :vartype CutTool: str, optional :var CutToolOpts: default: ``{}`` :vartype CutToolOpts: dict, optional :var FullGenEventTool: default: ``''`` :vartype FullGenEventTool: str, optional :var FullGenEventToolOpts: default: ``{}`` :vartype FullGenEventToolOpts: dict, optional **Monitoring** :var GenMonitor: default: ``False`` :vartype GenMonitor: bool, optional **Particle gun options** :var ParticleGun: default: ``False`` :vartype ParticleGun: bool, optional **Beam options** .. todo:: Custom ``B1Particle`` and ``B2Particle`` are not available yet! :var BeamMomentum: default: ``3.5 * units.TeV`` :vartype BeamMomentum: float, optional :var BeamHCrossingAngle: default: ``0.0 * units.mrad`` :vartype BeamHCrossingAngle: float, optional :var BeamVCrossingAngle: default: ``0.0 * units.mrad`` :vartype BeamVCrossingAngle: float, optional :var BeamEmittance: default: ``0.0037 *`` :vartype BeamEmittance: float, optional :var BeamBetaStar: default: ``3.1 * units.m`` :vartype BeamBetaStar: float, optional :var BeamLineAngles: default: ``[0.0 * units.mrad, 0.0 * units.mrad]`` :vartype BeamLineAngles: list, optional :var InteractionPosition: default: ``[0.0 *, 0.0 *, 0.0 *]`` :vartype InteractionPosition: list, optional :var BunchRMS: default: ``82.03 *`` :vartype BunchRMS: float, optional :var Luminosity: default: ``2.47e29 / (units.cm2 * units.s)`` :vartype Luminosity: float, optional :var TotalCrossSection: default: ``91.1 * units.millibarn`` :vartype TotalCrossSection: float, optional :var RevolutionFrequency: default: ``11.245 * units.kilohertz`` :vartype RevolutionFrequency: float, optional """ __slots__ = { # MAIN "WriteHepMC": False, # GENERATION MODULES "SampleGenerationTool": "SignalPlain", "SampleGenerationToolOpts": {}, "PileUpTool": "FixedLuminosityWithSvc", "ProductionTool": "Pythia8ProductionMT", "ProductionToolOpts": {}, "DecayTool": "", "CutTool": "", "CutToolOpts": {}, "FullGenEventCutTool": "", "FullGenEventCutToolOpts": {}, # MONITORING "GenMonitor": False, # PARTICLE GUN OPTIONS "ParticleGun": False, # BEAM OPTIONS "BeamMomentum": 3.5 * units.TeV, "BeamHCrossingAngle": 0.0 * units.mrad, "BeamVCrossingAngle": 0.0 * units.mrad, "BeamEmittance": 0.0037 *, "BeamBetaStar": 3.1 * units.m, "BeamLineAngles": [0.0 * units.mrad, 0.0 * units.mrad], "InteractionPosition": [ 0.0 *, 0.0 *, 0.0 *, ], "BunchRMS": 82.03 *, "Luminosity": 2.47e29 / (units.cm2 * units.s), "TotalCrossSection": 91.1 * units.millibarn, "RevolutionFrequency": 11.245 * units.kilohertz, # FIXME: beam particles are now fixed in LHCbDefaults.cmd # to be meade generic! # "B2Momentum": 3.5 * units.TeV, # "B1Particle": "p", # "B2Particle": "p", } # internal options to be set by Gaussino only_generation_phase = False """ options set internally by Gaussino() """ redecay = False """ options set internally by Gaussino() """ output_name = False """ options set internally by Gaussino() """
[docs] def __apply_configuration__(self): """Main configuration method for the generation phase. It applies the properties of the generation phase right after the main :class:`Gaussino <Gaussino.Configuration.Gaussino>` configurable, but before the detector transport and geometry configurables: :class:`GaussinoSimulation <Gaussino.Simulation.GaussinoSimulation>` and :class:`GaussinoGeometry <Gaussino.Geometry.GaussinoGeometry>`. """ from Configurables import ApplicationMgr seq = [] if self.getProp("ParticleGun"): seq += self._configure_pgun() else: seq += self._configure_generation() seq += self._configure_gen_monitor() seq += self._configure_hepmc_writer() if self.only_generation_phase: seq += self._configure_genonly() ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += seq
[docs] def _configure_generation(self) -> list: """Configuration method for the generation other than a particle gun. The idea is to set all the modules required for the main generation algorithm. - sample generation tool - decay tool, - cut tool, - production tool, - pile-up tool, - vertex smearing tool, The main generation algorithm could be either ``Generation`` or ``ReDecayGeneration``. Returns: list: list of algorithms """ from Configurables import ( Generation, ReDecayGeneration, ) seq = [] self._set_beam_parameters() gen_alg = Generation if self.redecay: gen_alg = ReDecayGeneration() gen_alg = gen_alg() # -> sample generation sgt = self._set_sample_generation_tool(gen_alg) # -> decay tool self._set_decay_tool(gen_alg, sgt) # -> cut tool self._set_cut_tool(sgt) # -> full gen event cut tool self._set_full_gen_evt_cut_tool(gen_alg) # -> production tool self._set_production_tool(sgt) # -> pileup tool self._set_pileup_tool(gen_alg) # -> vertex smearing tool self._set_vertex_smearing_tool(gen_alg) seq.append(gen_alg) if self.redecay: seq.append(self._set_redecay_signal_generation()) return seq
[docs] def _set_beam_parameters(self): """Sets up all the beam parametres of ``BeamInfoSvc`` service. """ from Configurables import BeamInfoSvc, ApplicationMgr log.debug("Configuring BeamInfoSvc") xAngleBeamLine, yAngleBeamLine = self.getProp("BeamLineAngles") meanX, meanY, meanZ = self.getProp("InteractionPosition") svc = BeamInfoSvc( BeamEnergy=self.getProp("BeamMomentum"), HorizontalCrossingAngle=self.getProp("BeamHCrossingAngle"), VerticalCrossingAngle=self.getProp("BeamVCrossingAngle"), NormalizedEmittance=self.getProp("BeamEmittance"), BetaStar=self.getProp("BeamBetaStar"), HorizontalBeamlineAngle=xAngleBeamLine, VerticalBeamlineAngle=yAngleBeamLine, Luminosity=self.getProp("Luminosity"), TotalCrossSection=self.getProp("TotalCrossSection"), XLuminousRegion=meanX, YLuminousRegion=meanY, ZLuminousRegion=meanZ, BunchLengthRMS=self.getProp("BunchRMS"), RevolutionFrequency=self.getProp("RevolutionFrequency") ) ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc.append(svc)
[docs] def _set_sample_generation_tool(self, gen_alg) -> ConfigurableMeta: """Sets up the sample generation tool, i.e. ``MinimumBias``, ``Inclusive``, etc. Args: gen_alg (ConfigurableMeta): ``Generation`` or ``ReDecayGeneration`` algorithm Returns: ConfigurableMeta: ``SampleGenerationTool`` """ sgt = get_set_configurable( gen_alg, "SampleGenerationTool", self.getProp("SampleGenerationTool") ) sgt_opts = self.getProp("SampleGenerationToolOpts") for option, value in sgt_opts.items(): sgt.setProp(option, value) return sgt
[docs] def _set_cut_tool(self, sgt): """Sets up the cut tool. Args: sgt (ConfigurableMeta): Sample generation tool configured earlier. """ cut_tool = self.getProp("CutTool") if cut_tool: ct = get_set_configurable(sgt, "CutTool", cut_tool) ct_opts = self.getProp("CutToolOpts") for option, value in ct_opts.items(): ct.setProp(option, value) else: sgt.CutTool = ""
[docs] def _set_decay_tool(self, gen_alg, sgt): """Sets up the decay tool. Args: gen_alg (ConfigurableMeta): ``Generation`` or ``ReDecayGeneration`` algorithm sgt (ConfigurableMeta): Sample generation tool configured earlier """ gen_alg.DecayTool = self.getProp("DecayTool") try: sgt.DecayTool = self.getProp("DecayTool") except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def _set_full_gen_evt_cut_tool(self, gen_alg): """Sets up the ``FullGenEventCutTool``. Args: gen_alg (ConfigurableMeta): ``Generation`` or ``ReDecayGeneration`` algorithm """ tool = self.getProp("FullGenEventCutTool") if tool: ct = get_set_configurable(gen_alg, "FullGenEventCutTool", tool) ct_opts = self.getProp("FullGenEventCutToolOpts") for option, value in ct_opts.items(): ct.setProp(option, value) else: gen_alg.FullGenEventCutTool = ""
[docs] def _set_production_tool(self, sgt): """Sets up the production tool. .. todo:: So far, only ``Pythia8Production`` and ``Pythia8ProductionMT`` are supported. Args: sgt (ConfigurableMeta): Sample generation tool configured earlier. Raises: ValueError: if unsupported ``ProductionTool`` provided. """ tool = self.getProp("ProductionTool") prod = get_set_configurable(sgt, "ProductionTool", tool) if tool in ["Pythia8Production", "Pythia8ProductionMT"]: # FIXME: For now keep it only for Pythia, but potentially in future we # want to do this for all possible production tools prot_opts = self.getProp("ProductionToolOpts") for option, value in prot_opts.items(): prod.setProp(option, value) prod.BeamToolName = "CollidingBeamsWithSvc" else: msg = "Unsupported production tool." log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if tool == "Pythia8ProductionMT": prod.NThreads = self.threads
[docs] def _set_pileup_tool(self, gen_alg): """Sets up the pile-up tool. .. todo:: Pass on the pile-up tool options via ``PileUpToolOpts``. Args: gen_alg (ConfigurableMeta): ``Generation`` or ``ReDecayGeneration`` algorithm """ gen_alg.PileUpTool = self.getProp("PileUpTool")
[docs] def _set_vertex_smearing_tool(self, gen_alg): """Sets up the vertex smearing tool. .. todo:: Investigate if any options need to be passed via ``GaussinoGeneration``. Args: gen_alg (ConfigurableMeta): ``Generation`` or ``ReDecayGeneration`` algorithm """ gen_alg.VertexSmearingTool = "BeamSpotSmearVertexWithSvc"
[docs] def _set_redecay_signal_generation(self): """Sets up the ReDecay equivalent of the signal generation tool. .. todo:: Needs testing and revising! Raises: ValueError: if ``SignalPIDList`` not in the options Returns: ConfigurableMeta: ``ReDecaySignalGeneration`` """ from Configurables import ReDecaySignalGeneration siggen_alg = ReDecaySignalGeneration() siggen_alg.HepMCEventLocation = "Gen/SignalDecayTree" siggen_alg.GenCollisionLocation = "Gen/SignalCollisions" siggen_alg.GenHeaderOutputLocation = "Gen/SignalGenHeader" siggen_alg.GenFSRLocation = "" # -> sample generation sgt = get_set_configurable(siggen_alg, "SampleGenerationTool", "SignalPlain") sgt.RevertWhenBackward = False # Don't invert in the redecay part sgt.GenFSRLocation = "" sgt_opts = self.getProp("SampleGenerationToolOpts") if "SignalPIDList" in sgt_opts: sgt.setProp("SignalPIDList", sgt_opts["SignalPIDList"]) else: # FIXME: First only support signal like org tool msg = "Original sample generation tool not of signal type" log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # -> decay tool self._set_decay_tool(siggen_alg, sgt) # -> cut tool self._set_cut_tool(sgt) # -> full gen event cut tool self._set_full_gen_evt_cut_tool(siggen_alg) # -> production tool get_set_configurable(sgt, "ProductionTool", "ReDecayProduction") # -> pileup tool siggen_alg.PileUpTool = "ReDecayPileUp" # -> vertex smearing tool siggen_alg.VertexSmearingTool = "" return siggen_alg
[docs] def _configure_pgun(self) -> list: """Sets up the ParticleGun algorithm. .. todo:: Set up & test passing of the options to particle gun tools in a similar way that is done for the main generation algorithm. Raises: AttributeError: if ParticleGun chosen to be the main generation algorithm, but no options were passed to the configurable ``ParticleGun`` Returns: list: list of algorithms """ from Configurables import ParticleGun if "ParticleGun" not in ParticleGun.configurables: msg = ( "The generation algorithm is set to use a ParticleGun, but no " "ParticleGun() configurable was registered! Make sure to include " "all the required tools!" ) log.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg) return [ParticleGun()]
[docs] def _configure_gen_monitor(self) -> list: """Creates the monitoring algorithm for the generation step: ``GenMonitorAlg``. Returns: list: list of algorithms """ if not self.getProp("GenMonitor"): return [] from Configurables import GenMonitorAlg alg = GenMonitorAlg( "GenMonitorAlg", HistoProduce=True, Input="/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents", ) return [alg]
[docs] def _configure_hepmc_writer(self) -> list: """Creates an algorithm responsible for wrtiting the generator data in HepMC format to a file: - ``WriterRootTree`` to a root file, - ``WriterAsciiTree`` to a txt file, - ``WriterHEPEVT`` to an evt file. Raises: ValueError: if unknown writer provided Returns: list: list of algorithms """ if not self.getProp("WriteHepMC"): return [] from Configurables import HepMCWriter alg = HepMCWriter() alg.Input = "/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents" if hasattr(alg, "Writer"): writer = alg.Writer else: writer = "WriterRootTree" log.debug(f"Using HepMCWriter: {writer}") if writer in ["WriterRootTree", "WriterRoot"]: alg.OutputFileName = f"{self.output_name}-HepMC.root" elif writer == "WriterAscii": alg.OutputFileName = f"{self.output_name}-HepMC.txt" elif writer == "WriterHEPEVT": alg.OutputFileName = f"{self.output_name}-HepMC.evt" else: msg = "Unknown HepMCWriter file extension." log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return [alg]
[docs] def _configure_genonly(self) -> list: """Configures a dedicated algorithm in case we skip the simulation part - ``ReDecaySkipSimAlg`` when used in ReDecay mode, - ``SkipSimAlg`` otherwise. Returns: list: list of algorithms """ from Configurables import ( SkipSimAlg, ReDecaySkipSimAlg, ) alg_conf = SkipSimAlg if self.redecay: alg_conf = ReDecaySkipSimAlg tool = get_set_configurable(alg_conf(), "HepMCConverter") try: # FIXME: Michal M. this needs a bit more of investigation tool.CheckParticle = False except AttributeError: pass return [alg_conf()]
[docs] @staticmethod def eventType() -> str: """Checks is the event type was set, otherwise returns an empty string .. todo:: Rethink this. Returns: str: event type """ from Configurables import Generation evtType = "" if Generation("Generation").isPropertySet("EventType"): evtType = str(Generation("Generation").EventType) return evtType