Source code for Gaussino.Simulation

# (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and FCC Collaborations  #
#                                                                             #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License          #
# version 2 (Apache-2.0), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".              #
#                                                                             #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
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__author__ = "Dominik Muller, Michal Mazurek, and Gloria Corti"
__email__ = ""

from Gaudi.Configuration import log
from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits

from Gaussino.Utilities import (

# Configurables
from ParallelGeometry.Configuration import ParallelGeometry
from Gaussino.Geometry import GaussinoGeometry

[docs]class GaussinoSimulation(GaussinoConfigurable): """Configurable for the Simulation phase in Gaussino. **Main** :var PhysicsConstructors: default: ``[]``, list of the factories used to attach physics to the main modular list :vartype PhysicsConstructors: list, required :var TrackTruth: default: ``True`` :vartype TrackTruth: bool, optional **G4 commands** :var G4BeginRunCommand: default: ``["/tracking/verbose 0", "/process/eLoss/verbose 0"]`` :vartype G4BeginRunCommand: bool, optional :var G4EndRunCommand: default: ``[]`` :vartype G4EndRunCommand: bool, optional **Cuts** :var CutForElectron: default: ``-1. * km`` :vartype CutForElectron: float, optional :var CutForGamma: default: ``-1. * km`` :vartype CutForGamma: float, optional :var CutForPositron: default: ``-1. * km`` :vartype CutForPositron: float, optional :var DumpCutsTable: default: ``False`` :vartype DumpCutsTable: bool, optional """ __slots__ = { # MAIN "TrackTruth": True, "PhysicsConstructors": [], # G4 commands "G4BeginRunCommand": ["/tracking/verbose 0", "/process/eLoss/verbose 0"], "G4EndRunCommand": [], # Cuts "CutForElectron": -1.0 *, "CutForPositron": -1 *, "CutForGamma": -1 *, "DumpCutsTable": False, # Custom Simulation "CustomSimulation": "", # name of the configurable } # internal options to be set by Gaussino only_generation_phase = False """ options set internally by Gaussino() """ redecay = False """ options set internally by Gaussino() """
[docs] def __apply_configuration__(self): """Main configuration method for the simulation phase. It applies the properties of the simulation phase right after the main :class:`Gaussino <Gaussino.Configuration.Gaussino>` and generation :class:`GaussinoGeneration <Gaussino.Generation.GaussinoGeneration>` configurable, but before the geometry configurable :class:`GaussinoGeometry <Gaussino.Geometry.GaussinoGeometry>`. """ log.debug("Configuring GaussinoSimulation") if GaussinoSimulation.only_generation_phase: log.debug("-> Only the generation phase, skipping.") return self._set_giga_service() self._set_giga_alg() self._set_physics() self._set_truth_actions() # ensure GaussinoGeometry is enabled GaussinoGeometry()
[docs] def _check_options_compatibility(self): """Checks the general compatibility of the provided properties. Raises: ValueError: if no physics contructors were provided """ if not self.getProp("PhysicsConstructors"): msg = "No physics constructors specified!" log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def _set_giga_service(self): """Sets up the main simulation service ``GiGaMT``. It will be available throughout the whole execution time of the simulation. """ from Configurables import ( ApplicationMgr, GiGaMT, GiGaRunActionCommand, ) log.debug("-> Configuring GiGa service: GiGaMT") giga = GiGaMT() actioninit = get_set_configurable(giga, "ActionInitializer") actioninit.RunActions += ["GiGaRunActionCommand"] commands = actioninit.addTool(GiGaRunActionCommand, "GiGaRunActionCommand") commands.BeginOfRunCommands = self.getProp("G4BeginRunCommand") commands.EndOfRunCommands = self.getProp("G4EndRunCommand") ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [giga]
[docs] def _set_giga_alg(self): """Sets up the main simulation algorithm: - ``ReDecaySimAlg`` when using ReDecay, - ``GiGaAlg`` otherwise. The algorithm is executed right after the generation algorithms, but before hit extraction and monitoring algorithms. """ from Configurables import ApplicationMgr log.debug("-> Configuring GiGa algorithm") if GaussinoSimulation.redecay: log.debug("--> Using ReDecaySimAlg") from Configurables import ReDecaySimAlg ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [ReDecaySimAlg()] else: log.debug("--> Using GiGaAlg") from Configurables import GiGaAlg alg = GiGaAlg("GiGaAlg", Input="/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents") ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [alg]
[docs] def _set_physics(self): """Sets up the physics constructors and applies the cuts.""" from Configurables import ( GiGaMTModularPhysListFAC, GiGaMT, ) log.debug("-> Configuring physics constructors") giga = GiGaMT() gmpl = giga.addTool(GiGaMTModularPhysListFAC(), name="ModularPL") giga.PhysicsListFactory = getattr(giga, "ModularPL") phys_list = self.getProp("PhysicsConstructors") gmpl.PhysicsConstructors = phys_list add_constructors_with_names(gmpl, phys_list) gmpl.CutForElectron = self.getProp("CutForElectron") gmpl.CutForGamma = self.getProp("CutForGamma") gmpl.CutForPositron = self.getProp("CutForPositron") gmpl.DumpCutsTable = self.getProp("DumpCutsTable") # Add parallel physics if ParallelGeometry().getProp("ParallelPhysics"): log.debug("-> Configuring physics in parallel worlds") ParallelGeometry().attach_physics(gmpl) # Add custom simulation physics cust_sim_creator_name = self.getProp("CustomSimulation") if cust_sim_creator_name: from Configurables import CustomSimulation CustomSimulation(cust_sim_creator_name).attach_physics(gmpl)
[docs] def _set_truth_actions(self): """Sets up the custom optimization features that decide which tracks/particles should be stored and which not. """ if not self.getProp("TrackTruth"): return log.debug("-> Configuring truth actions") from Configurables import GiGaMT giga = GiGaMT() actioninit = get_set_configurable(giga, "ActionInitializer") actioninit.TrackingActions += [ "TruthFlaggingTrackAction", "TruthStoringTrackAction", ] from Configurables import ( TruthFlaggingTrackAction, TruthStoringTrackAction, ) flagging = actioninit.addTool( TruthFlaggingTrackAction, "TruthFlaggingTrackAction", ) actioninit.addTool( TruthStoringTrackAction, "TruthStoringTrackAction", ) flagging.StoreAll = False flagging.StorePrimaries = True # FIXME: This option does not exist anymore, sensdet supposed to set the # flag for storing directly # flagging.StoreMarkedTracks = True flagging.StoreForcedDecays = True flagging.StoreByOwnEnergy = True flagging.OwnEnergyThreshold = 100.0 * SystemOfUnits.MeV flagging.StoreByChildProcess = True flagging.StoredChildProcesses = ["RichG4Cerenkov", "Decay"] flagging.StoreByOwnProcess = True flagging.StoredOwnProcesses = ["Decay"]