
Main configuration

class Gaussino.Configuration.Gaussino(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: GaussinoConfigurable

Main Configurable of Gaussino. It is dedicated to the confiuration of general properties. Please, visit other configurables for more options:


  • EvtMax (int, required) – default: -1, no. of event to produce, must be > 0

  • Phases (list, optional) – default: ["Generator","Simulation"], possible only: ["Generator", "Simulation"] or ["Generation"]

  • FirstEventNumber (int, optional) – default: 1

  • RunNumber (int, optional) – default: 1


  • Histograms (str, optional) – default: "DEFAULT"

  • DatasetName (str, optional) – default: "Gaussino"

  • DatasetNameForced (bool, optional) – default: False

  • OutputType (str, optional) – default: 'SIM'


  • EnableHive (bool, optional) – default: True, must be always set (for now)

  • ThreadPoolSize (int, optional) – default: 1

  • EventSlots (int, optional) – default: 1

  • FirstTimingEvent (int, optional) – default: 1


  • Debug (bool, optional) – default: False, increase verbosity for the whole application

  • ReDecay (bool, optional) – default: False

  • ConvertEDM (bool, optional) – default: False

  • ParticleTable (str, optional) – default: '$GAUSSINOROOT/data/ParticleTable.txt'


Main configuration method for Gaussino. It is called as the first one, and then propagates the properties to: - GaussinoGeneration, - GaussinoSimulation, - GaussinoGeometry.


Checks the general compatibility of the properties.


ValueError – if EvtMax is not provided


Sets up EDM algorithms for Gaussino.


Configures a subset of properties of the generation phase and propagates them to GaussinoGeneration.


ValueError – if the Generator phase is not provided


Creates the algorithm responsible for the seed generation. It is either GenRndInit or GenReDecayInit


Sets up the general Gaudi services needed in Gaussino.


Build a name for the output file, based on input options. Combines DatasetName, EventType, Number of events and Date


Sets up the ML options.


Sets up the auditor service: AuditorSvc.


Sets up the debug mode in python logger and all the configurables.


Sets up the service responsible for producing histograms.


ValueError – when unknown option in the list of Historgrams


Sets up the particle property service.


LHCb project dependency!


Sets up a dedicated service when using ReDecay: ReDecaySvc.


Sets up the Geant4 multi-threading options.


Enables Hive event loop manager. this is a very similar method as in LHCbApp


ValueError – if EnableHive is disabled

static edm_algorithms(redecay=False)[source]

Sets up a special algorithm responsible for linking MCParticles and MCVertices to MCHits via LinkedParticle. It is either:

  • ReDecayMCTruthToEDM when in ReDeacay mode,

  • MCTruthToEDM otherwise.


redecay (bool, optional) – Using Redecay or not. Defaults to False.


list of needed EDM algorithms

Return type:
