Running your first simulation

Below you will find instructions on how to prepare a configuration file with a minimum working example. We will try to generate 5 events with a 1 MeV photon hitting a 1m x 1m x 1m lead cube.


  1. Make sure that your Gaussino is correctly configured and built following the instructions in Installation section.

  2. Create and open a new python file. It will consists of all the options you need to configure the simulation job.

  3. We will be now setting the properties of Gaussino’s configurables. There are 4 main configurables:

    These configurables should be enough for most of the cases, but sometime you will also find a few other configurables, for example:

    and so on… Each of the configurable you can import from Configurables. For example, for :class:Gaussino <Gaussino.Configuration.Gaussino> it will be:

    from Configurables import Gaussino

Simple example

  1. Specify the number of events by adding the following lines:

    Gaussino().EvtMax = 5
  2. Do you want to run the generator phase and the simulation phase? Or just the generator? You can modify this by adding the following lines:

    Gaussino().Phases = ["Generator", "Simulation"]

    Please, note that the default is to have both the generator and the simulation phase.

  3. Specify what to particles to generate. In this example we will use a particle gun to generate 1 MeV photons. In order to do so, we have to add a FixedMomentum and FlatNParticles tools.

    from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits as units
    from Configurables import (
    GaussinoGeneration().ParticleGun = True
    pgun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun")
    pgun.addTool(FixedMomentum, name="FixedMomentum")
    pgun.ParticleGunTool = "FixedMomentum"
    pgun.addTool(FlatNParticles, name="FlatNParticles")
    pgun.NumberOfParticlesTool = "FlatNParticles"
    pgun.FlatNParticles.MinNParticles = 1
    pgun.FlatNParticles.MaxNParticles = 1
    pgun.FixedMomentum.px = 0.0 * units.GeV = 0.0 * units.GeV
    pgun.FixedMomentum.pz = 1.0 * units.GeV
    pgun.FixedMomentum.PdgCodes = [22]
  4. Add a required Geant4 physics constructor, for example:

    from Configurables import GaussinoSimulation
  5. Add some geometry: we will construct a world and add a 1 m x 1 m x 1 m lead cube.

    from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits as units
    from Configurables import (
    from ExternalDetector.Materials import (
    emb_name = "ExternalDetectorEmbedder_0"
    cube_name = f"{emb_name}_Cube"
    GaussinoGeometry().ExternalDetectorEmbedder = emb_name
    external = ExternalDetectorEmbedder(emb_name)
    external.Shapes = {
        cube_name: {
            "Type": "Cuboid",
            "xSize": 1.0 * units.m,
            "ySize": 1.0 * units.m,
            "zSize": 1.0 * units.m,
            "MaterialName": "Pb",
    external.Sensitive = {
        cube_name: {
            "Type": "MCCollectorSensDet",
    external.World = {
        "WorldMaterial": "OuterSpace",
        "Type": "ExternalWorldCreator",
    external.Materials = {
        # material needed for the external world
        "OuterSpace": OUTER_SPACE,
        # material needed for the lead cube
        "Pb": LEAD,

Running Gaussino

Once your file is ready you can test running Gaussino!
