
Configuration related to the simulation phase.

Main Simulation Configuration

class Gaussino.Simulation.GaussinoSimulation(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: GaussinoConfigurable

Configurable for the Simulation phase in Gaussino.


  • PhysicsConstructors (list, required) – default: [], list of the factories used to attach physics to the main modular list

  • TrackTruth (bool, optional) – default: True

G4 commands

  • G4BeginRunCommand (bool, optional) – default: ["/tracking/verbose 0", "/process/eLoss/verbose 0"]

  • G4EndRunCommand (bool, optional) – default: []


  • CutForElectron (float, optional) – default: -1. * km

  • CutForGamma (float, optional) – default: -1. * km

  • CutForPositron (float, optional) – default: -1. * km

  • DumpCutsTable (bool, optional) – default: False


Main configuration method for the simulation phase. It applies the properties of the simulation phase right after the main Gaussino and generation GaussinoGeneration configurable, but before the geometry configurable GaussinoGeometry.


Checks the general compatibility of the provided properties.


ValueError – if no physics contructors were provided


Sets up the main simulation algorithm:

  • ReDecaySimAlg when using ReDecay,

  • GiGaAlg otherwise.

The algorithm is executed right after the generation algorithms, but before hit extraction and monitoring algorithms.


Sets up the main simulation service GiGaMT. It will be available throughout the whole execution time of the simulation.


Sets up the physics constructors and applies the cuts.


Sets up the custom optimization features that decide which tracks/particles should be stored and which not.

Custom Simulation

This adds a new package CustomSimulation that allows for adding custom simulation models (interfacing Geant4 fast simulation hooks). Custom simulation models can be added in both the mass and parallel geometry. Adding custom simulation models in a separate parallel worlds is recommended. Please, take a look at the examples section to get more information.

CustomSimulation class description

class CustomSimulation.Configuration.CustomSimulation(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ConfigurableUser

This class provides all the necessary tools that are needed to create a custom simulation model in a specific region and attach the corrsponding custom simulation physics. Custom simulation model is chosen via the (Model) property (don’t forget to specify the Type i.e. the factory name). The model will be then specified in a region created based on the properties in Region property. Finally, each custom simulation model needs a dedicated physics factory where you specify what kind of particles will be tracked in that model.

  • Model (dict, required) – Properties of the custom simulation model used.

  • Region (dict, required) – Properties of the G4Region where the custom simulation will take place.

  • Physics (dict, required) – Properties of the physics factory used for all the custom simulation models in that creator.

from Gaussino.Simulation import GaussinoSimulation
GaussinoSimulation().CustomSimulation = "MyCustomSimulationCreator"
from Configurables import CustomSimulation
custom = CustomSimulation("MyCustomSimulationCreator")

customsim.Model = {
    'MyCustomSimModel': {
        'Type': 'ImmediateDepositModel',

custsim.Region = {
    'VacuumCubeImmediateDeposit': {
        'SensitiveDetectorName': 'VacuumCubeSDet',

custsim.Physics = {
    'ParticlePIDs': [22],
_check_props(name, props, required=['Type'])[source]
_refine_props(props, keys_to_refine=['Type'])[source]
_register_prop(props, key, prop)[source]
attach_physics(modular_list, world_name='')[source]

Takes care of setting up the right tools and factories responsible for creating the physics factory for all the custom simulation models. All the properties should be provided in the Physics property.

  • modular_list – Modular physics list tool, should be GiGaMTModularPhysListFAC

  • world_name – world where the physics will take action, empty means the mass world


Takes care of setting up the right tools and factories responsible for setting up the custom simulation model and it’s region. It is based on the properties provided in Model and Region. Properties correspond to the properites used by each factory.


dettool – Tool responsible for detector construction in Geant4. In Gaussino, it is GiGaMTDetectorConstructionFAC.